Our Christian Education provides the foundation for your life-changing experience with God and is the most essential part of one’s spiritual growth. The biblical teaching builds strong faith, good character, and discipline. So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God _ Romans 10:17
What We Do
Every Sunday @ 9:30 AM
The Christian Education classes are what most refer to as Sunday School. We strive to provide a Christian education that is equally as important as academics and encourage each attendee to read and study their bibles. The Pastor, Elder Darryl Tanner is the instructor for the Adult Class, and all other classes are taught by the ministerial staff which consists of seasoned Elders or Ministers.
Our classes are engaging and interactive, and the younger classes have fun activities for the children. The New Member’s Class is for those who are new to Macon Worship Center and the Christian experience and provides the basis for salvation.