We believe God isn’t really interested in our money; He’s interested in our hearts. Jesus says, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” We want people to experience the blessing of having hearts oriented toward God and His mission to build His kingdom here on earth. There are several ways you can give to further this mission through Augusta Worship Center.
Give Online
Online giving is easy, convenient, consistent and safe. Once you create a secure giving account with us, you can set up recurring gifts or give any time you want.
How to give through the Vanco Mobile App
Give Via App
In Person
We receive an offering as part of every worship service. You can place your tithe/offering in the offering plate during the service.
By Mail
If you aren’t able to attend or prefer not to give online, feel free to mail your gift to the following address:
Macon Worship Center
Attn: Finance Department
4600 Jones Rd
Macon, GA 31216
Our online giving is provided by Vanco Payment Solutions. You can view their security information online.