New COVID cases in the CSRA are falling steeply. COVID vaccines are the only effective deterrent to prevent hospitalizations and death from this deadly virus. We encourage everyone to vaccinate and get your booster before attending worship services or church events. If unvaccinated, you are required to wear a mask and maintain social distancing. Please monitor your health and stay home if you're unwell.
If you tested positive for COVID-19 or have symptoms, regardless of vaccination status:
• Stay home for 5 days and isolate from others in your home
• End isolation after 5 full days if you're fever-free for 24 hours (without fever-reducing medication) and your symptoms are improving
• Wear a well-fitted mask 10 full days and do not travel until a full 10 days after your symptoms started or the date of your positive test
If you had close contact with someone with COVID-19, please quarantine unless you fall into one of the following two (2) groups:
• You are up to date with your COVID-19 vaccines
• You had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days (meaning you tested positive) and remain without symptoms
If you had close contact with someone with COVID-19:
• Wear a well-fitting mask 10 days from the date of your last close contact
• Get tested at least 5 days after you last had close contact with someone with COVID-19
When attending in-person services:
• Wear a well-fitted mask if unvaccinated
• Wash your hands with soap and water; sanitize your hands often
• Families are encouraged to sit together
The following facility activities will remain; however, please continue to adhere to the guidelines herein:
• He-brews cafe is open for full service
• The Nursery is self-service
• Musical and choir rehearsals can resume if the above guidance is followed
• Departments/Auxiliaries can meet and hold events
MWC will continue our preventive safety and health measures:
• Sanitize the facilities after large gatherings
• Ushers/greeters wear masks always
• Application of NanoSeptic surface technology and microphone covers will continue
The following charts illustrate the trend of new COVID cases in our 8-county region: